Dream Kingdom 2 Artist: Rajeev Semwal SKU: ALGPC-361 Availability: In stock ₹55,000.00 ₹45,900.00 Buy Now Take on Rent More Info Artist Rajeev Semwal Size 15 Inch X 21.5 Inch Shipping Type Framed Together without glass Created in 2013 Medium Pen on Paper About ArtworkSet against the attractive combination of red and orange, Rajeev Semwal has conquered peaks of creativity with his wild imagination. The artwork features a face surrounded by flowers, parrots, and other figures. Fine lines of the black and white sketch, special detail to shading with a colored background gives an overall appeal to the painting. The orange and red create a warm atmosphere and attract visitors' attention. While we cannot comprehend the exact meaning of this phenomenal art, the piece is open to your own distinctive understanding of what the artist has truly tried to portray. Could it mean harmonious co-existence of different species? More Artworks from Rajeev Semwal Festival Kumbh Dream Kingdom 3 × Your Name City Your Email Your Mobile Number Message Submit