
Traditional Madhubani painting Art: A Dive Into An Indian Folk Art Painting

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They can be divided based on the culture they belong to like traditional Madhubani painting or traditional Rajasthani painting.

Art lives in the heart of an artist, but the real painter is the one who can bring those thoughts out in any medium whether it be oil on canvas or acrylic on paper. Art life gallery brings to you a plethora of paintings of all the Indian cultures. Some of the top-rated paintings are that of Radha Krishna charcoal painting, traditional Madhubani painting, and traditional Rajasthani painting. We are well aware of the rich culture and heritage that is home to our motherland Bharat, it can be observed in every nook and corner of the land. Not only culture but the folk songs, dances, languages, traditions, art forms, everything is so diverse that even a Bharatiya is generally not able to cover all of this richness in one lifetime. From the ghats of Banaras to the morning weddings of Tamilians, there is so much to be seen from our motherland. But you know what can help us visit these places without actually being there?

They are the paintings and photographs, while photographs show us the exact moment, a painting is so much more than that. It not only shows an event but also what the artist might have felt during that certain experience. Therefore, a painting says so much more than a photograph. Keeping paintings is a way to look into the other worlds from the eyes of the person who either created that or has been a live witness of the given event. A painting can say many things, it is not simply some acrylic on paper but rather a bunch of emotions, feelings, creativity, and art that brings life to a lifeless canvas. Paintings are not something which can be categorized into genres, rather they can be divided based on the culture they belong to like traditional Madhubani painting or traditional Rajasthani painting. While some artists follow a specific field while making a painting, or maybe follow a certain theme or object that plays a significant role in their paintings, some artists follow a certain type of creativity. For example some artists have shown amazing creativity in Radha Krishna charcoal painting, which means the devotion towards Radha Krishna is depicted with every stroke of the charcoal on the canvas. It is not easy to work with something like charcoal painting, but the artist has made it look effortless to the onlooker. Some people simply admire the art in front of them, while some like to collect them and keep on looking at it at every chance they get. We often hear people saying that a certain someone is very artistic, this doesn’t mean that they are a brilliant artist or something, it means that they have a good taste in art, whether that is literature, music, or simple artistic things.

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