
Overcome Your Creative Fears

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Each one of us has a creative side but only a few are able to recognize it. And those who do, face some obstacles in their life while creating something new. It takes introspection and resilience to be a creative artist and for that, one needs to tackle the blocking barrier in the way i.e. fear. As an artist one needs to do self-awareness and find out the fear that lies within him.

Here is a list of some common creative fears and the tips to overcome them:

1.  Lack of creative confidence

As a matter of fact, our creativity keeps on decreasing as we transform from a child to an adult. But it doesn’t mean that the creativity inside you has completely vanished. In fact, you need to rediscover your hidden talent and gain confidence. You don’t have to be Leonardo da Vinci but at least try to do something in a creative manner and stop believing that you’re not creative, for once.

2. Failure

Failure is a part of the learning process and with each failure, you get to know where you lack. So instead of considering failure as a halt, call it an experiment as it is all about trial and error. Don’t fear failure instead explore the possibilities to succeed and make mistakes. Try something new and take risks because it’s always better to fail than not to try anything new.

3. Fear of judgment

Apparently, being judged hurts and makes us feel embarrassed. But avoiding creative works that can be judged is not a solution. Fear of judgment is natural and unavoidable. But as an artist, one must always remember that your brain is your biggest critic and you should not analyze while creating something. Once you create something and get it judged, it only provides you ways to improve and come up with unanticipated works later.

4. Rejection

Always remember creativity needs courage. Being rejected is normal and need not be taken too much seriously. And as an artist, one needs to be brave enough to face rejection. Even the most admired artist Van Gogh sold just one painting in his entire lifetime. So, try to overcome this fear with a step by step approach and share your work with a group of like-minded people.

5. Fear of the beginning

Many of the artists find it difficult to take the first step. It’s sometimes that their mind goes blank and the ideas become stagnant. But this fear can be easily overcome by starting from the middle or with something really small. The start doesn’t matter as one cannot anticipate the outcome right in the beginning.

We have tried to mention some of the most common fears of an artist along with an easy way to overcome it and we hope that it was helpful. Feel free to share your fears and tricks to overcome it, in the comment section below.

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