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Artist: Vivek Singh


Artist Vivek Singh
Size 16 Inch X 11.5 Inch
Shipping Type Glass Framed
Created in 2009
Medium Pastel on Paper

About Artwork

"Accommodation" is a striking and captivating abstract painting created by the talented artist Vivek Singh, using acrylic on canvas. The painting is predominantly orange hued, with an array of hues and tones that create a sense of depth and complexity. The central focus of the painting is a series of building-like structures, depicted in bold lines and shapes that evoke a sense of solidness and weight.

What's particularly interesting about the buildings is the light that seems to be emanating from within them. It's as though each window is lit from within, creating a sense of warmth and comfort. However, the forest beneath the buildings provides a sense of mystery and calm, as if the buildings have been built on the edge of a vast and untamed wilderness. The contrast between the warmth of the buildings and the coolness of the forest creates a sense of peace, as if the viewer is standing on the edge of a precipice.

Overall, "Accommodation" is a beautiful and thought-provoking painting that invites the viewer to ponder the relationship between civilization and nature, light and darkness, and the ways in which we seek to create a sense of safety and security in a world that can be unpredictable and chaotic.